25 Apr 2013

Alden and the Funky Giraffe

In my last blog post I forgot to mention that I have a brand new nephew! Please say hello to Alden James. Luckily for him, I am starting his blog career early and have gotten him to review some new products already.

Having had a blog for many moons now, I occasionally get asked to review all sorts of weird and wonderful things. I usually say 'no' mentally and hit 'delete' faster than a whirling dervish, because they usually have no relevance at all to this blog or myself.  Every now and again I do get a request that makes me ponder and say 'why the heck not'.  This time, it is in the form of teeny tiny moccasin socks.

Funky Giraffe - Funky Giraffe Moccasins 

Alden got to review the 'Superstar Blue' moccasin socks - Which you can buy HERE

Alden loved modelling his super cool moccasins

Alden's thoughts: Hey I like these, they are warm and snugly and I can't kick them off my feet within two seconds unlike my usual rubbish socks! I was worried about them making me look like a wee girl, but I felt rather fetching in them. Have you seen how good I look in the pictures?

Alden's Mums thoughts: Really well made, they wash well and look great. It is nice having something that looks good, but also isn't awkward to get on and more importantly Alden seems to like wearing them. Reading up on the care and attention that went into the designing and making of the moccasins is also very cool too.

Where to find your very own Funky Giraffe merchandise?

Facebook - Funky Giraffe Baby 
Twitter - FunkyGiraffeBibs
Website - Funky Giraffe

Just in case people are unsure about what things I will or wont review. I would NEVER review something that I thought was a pile of crud and certainly wouldn't let anything poorly made even near my nephew. If there is something genuinely cool and/or useful then I will review it in a heartbeat, whether it was sent to me for free or if I bought it myself.

When the moccasins arrived I was genuinely chuffed to have found such a lovely product that I could then pass onto my sister and nephew. They are exceptionally well made and very very cute! Alden was five weeks old when he tried on his pair of moccasins and they fit very nicely indeed. Socks on babies usually stay on for a very short space of time! But these were snug without being constricting and he will no doubt get some use out of them, before going up to the next size.

I must give some kudos to Natalie from Love PR London, the company that emailed me about reviewing this product. A nice simple email, which was polite and straight to the point, was how this all started. Prompt answers to any questions I had, made this is an easy thing to say yes to.

They are on Facebook and Twitter

Oh another product I would like to mention is the Poddle Pod, which Alden is modelling in the image below:

I came across this company after seeing a conversation on facebook about mothers struggling to put their newborns down, either for a nap or just somewhere safe whilst doing some quick chores. One lady recommended a 'Poddle Pod'. Knowing that my nephew was going to make an appearance in this world any day, I decided to investigate some more. After having a look at the website and facebook page of the company, I passed on the details to my sister and she ordered one almost straight away, as the reviews from happy customers definitely sold her on the idea. Now that Alden is here, he seems to really love his Poddle Pod.  Heather (Alden's mum), thinks it is very well made and finds it reassuring that Alden can chill out in his Poddle Pod.

Poddle Pod on Facebook - Poddle Pod UK
Poddle Pod Website -
Poddle Pod on Twitter - @PoddlePodUK 

I am a small business myself and love seeing companies like this, using social media so effectively, hopefully one day people will be blogging about me.

Next post will be something doodly xx

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