Remember that competition I did and have been rather naughty/slow in picking the winners! Well I assigned everyone a number and then used a random number generator to pick the lucky swines and without further ado.
The Winners .............
A4 Prize - Jamie White, pick a theme and fill in my magical form found here

Key or Book Art or a surprise - Janene Murphy, so what prize do you fancy? A key with some personalised message, a piece of doodle book page art or are you brave and choose a total surprise?

Book of Faces:
I would love more facebook fans, because that enables me to be a lazy social media like person and only update that place regularly. Erm that probably wasn't the best sales pitch was it? How about, please help my business flourish and enable me to take over the world by 'liking' me on facebook! That better? In all honestly I like the quick fix of facebook and twitter when I need immediate input on my latest projects, because I update this place in a less than regular way, people only wander by every now and again (who would blame them!) and although I get some cracking responses on here, I have totally neglected the place.
In saying that I will be updating this place some more. It would be nice to know what social media hangout you prefer, as that would help me out a lot!
I had to clear away the cobwebs in order to get over here but I have arrived - tada! First off, congrats to your two winners, I'm sure that they will just love their prizes!
ReplyDeleteAs you know, I spend a lot of time over on the Book of Faces myself but not so much on the Land of Tweets. Trying to juggle multiple social networking sites is hard and I'm just not a good juggler I'm afraid!
Anyhow, I'd go over and 'like' you but I already do but in the meantime, I'll hope more people will head your way! Not so you can be lazy, mind you, but because they should!
Was more than a bit dusty in here! Thanks for fighting your way through the cobwebs :) :) I wonder if I will have to send the winners a message, or whether they will find their way back here! :)
DeleteDefinitely juggling the various social media playpens is hard and I am not sure I am closer to knowing which is better.
Thanks for your continued likering and support :)
Love, love, love the doodles on the wordy paper! I often see drawings like that on etsy and wish I could do a theme of them somewhere in my house. Yours are so much more cheery and colorful. Love them! Did I mention that yet? ;)
ReplyDeleteHope your Mom is adjusting well! So glad to see you dropping in with a post.
Hey Lisa! Oh what ideas of themes did you have for the wordy paper, maybe it is something that I could have a play with, as I am always looking for inspiration! I had noticed that on Etsy etc people used the wordy doodles for sad looking images and quite dark things, which I love, but wanted to try something a bit different.
DeleteMum is doing really well! Thanks for asking :) :) and for popping over and commenting, reminds me why I love blogging and the people I have met through it :)
Are you on G+ ? I much prefer that to FB. Right now FB and I are not communicating. I can't log into it. I like G+ and think you doodles would have a grand time over there. Oh if you are already on it then I guess you already know.
ReplyDeleteHey Bill, I am indeed, although don't use it that much. I think if you click on my name here, it should whizz you over to my profile on there.
DeleteI shall endeavour to use it more!
:) :)
Hiiiiiiiiiiii!! Did you hear an echo? I think I heard one for real. A bit too high pitched there. I've been neglecting my Google Reader ever since my laptop crashed and things had to be installed again. Need to add a bookmark again as I keep missing your posts!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to the winners! I'm pretty sure Janene is going to be very pleased! Your pictures are always so cool to look at and you already know how much I love your shells. Prettiness! That aside, the illudoodles are SO lovely. Using the wordy paper definitely gives your style an extra depth. It's like you capture your modern colorful cartoony style in pages from the past....does that make sense at all? Haha.
As for the social media...for now I prefer Twitter & Facebook, but these are linked together, so it saves time in updating. LinkedIn is linked via my blogfeed, so whenever I have a new post, it gets updated there as well. I rarely use stumbleupon, digg etc. I heard that these can be really good as well, but you need to spend time networking and time is something I don't really have at the moment. So making better and more frequent use of a few social media is best for now? Oh. I have been adding the doodle peeks on G+ as well, haven't been really networking there yet though. It's such a hassle at times!
Yes I heard it, in fact the echo just bounced back into my room and reminded me to answer these comments... whoops
DeleteMy google reader is a mess! seriously need to tidy that up.
I can't wait to start on the prize winners prizes, which will hopefully be soon!
Yes you made perfect sense, I wanted a really cool mix of old and new, when doing the book page illudoodles, so I am glad that you think that!
I agree with you in regards to twitter and FB, although FB tends to be better for me, who would of thunk that! considering how many people follow me on twitter compared to FB, tis weirdness. I totally suck at networking lately, as I get so caught up in my own projects.
Thank you thank you thank you. Filled out form but couldn't tell if it submitted. Let me know. My granddaughter is going to be over the moon. I'll send you her address once I know exactly what all I need to do from my end. You are wonderful!!!
ReplyDeleteHooray, so glad you are pleased! I have a few commissions to get out of the way before I commence this one, BUT it will be worth the wait :)
DeleteSQUEEEE! I'm so excited! And I'm brave too, plus I love surprises, so a surprise is my choice. I can't wait. Yippee yahooee! Okay, I'll tone it down now. Sorry. Excited.
ReplyDeleteAs for social media, I'd think Pinterest would be an excellent choice for you. It's so visual. Plus sporadic Twitter doodles are always cool.
Okay, back to jumping up and down with excitement!
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee indeed! Really looking forward to narrowing down my ideas for your prize, I have too many ideas at the moment!!
DeleteI love Pinterest! I use it a lot as visual pinboards for my own projects. Hmmmm love the idea of sporadic twitter doodles though and need to get people to pin my stuff on Pinterest!
Don't damage yourself with all that jumping :)