11 Dec 2009

Yeah Yeah oh fucking Yeah's

and now for a not a very musical music review.....

Last Sunday (6th December) I went to see the Yeah Yeah Yeahs at the Manchester Apollo, Manchester.
In my previous attempt at reviewing a concert I came up with this following scale: (for previous lame attempt at a concert review click here)

How does one express what level of musical wonderment a certain band or particular song evokes? Why you come up with your own scale of musical wonderment.... Behold mine.

The Claire Scale of Musical Wonderment
1. Hallowed three thumbs up of awesomeness (Similar to wet my pants awesomeness)
2. Ohhhhh awesomeness
3. Pretty awesome
4. Hmmm (The hmmm of pondering)
5. Meh
6. Holy shit! How fucking awful (similar to 'My ears, my ears, arghhhhhhhhh')

Let us start with the support band, warm up band? Whatver you call it, it was ~ Duchess Says
The support band get a weird mix of 4 and 6, most of the time I thought urggghh shurrup! But then, when the poor possessed gal wasn't wailing, the band were really good. They are meant to be Punk/Dance? But where neither punky nor dancey enough for me. I think they should open for Lordi in the future. I would have much rather had someone like My Gold Mask opening the show, they are definitely the right vibe for the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

During the interesting warm up thing, my friend and I noticed that someone was dead/asleep, listening to the music, I almost envied them.. After Duchess Says had finished (hooray), the stewards shuffled over and poked the dead/asleep person, till they awoke. The person was then promptly escorted to the fresh air zone and never seen again.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs were quite simply  the hallowed three thumbs of awesomeness on my scale of musical wonderment, from start to finish. I promptly forgot the setlist as soon as the gig was over, or more truthfully as soon as each song was over. I just got carried away with the moment or just have a shit memory. Thankfully someone else remembered, so I stole it off them:

Runaway, Phenomena, 10 x 10, Heads Will Roll, Pin, Dull Life, Gold Lion, Cheated Hearts, Skeletons, Hysteric, Honeybear, Zero, Y-Control.

Maps (Acoustic), Art Star, Date with the Night.

As per usual with me, every song was the best, until the next one, but if I had to pick it would be.... oh bugger, I can't decide. I even created a playlist with the songs from the setlist, listened to it a few times and still no joy.So I had a look through the best youtube clips, websites and decided on this one..

It doesn't compare at all really to seeing them live, you can't bottle all that charisma and pow! into a a wee video playing on someone's blog. Get all the albums, listen to them loud and if you get the chance, go and see them live.

As always, if you are on, add me and share your musical titbits with me, my profile is HERE.


  1. Brilliant! Glad you had a fantastic time! Love the Yeah Yeah Yeahs!

  2. Wish I was there. My 4yo daughter would be jealous too. She loves singing "chop, chop, chop, chop, chop..." along to 'Date with the Night'

  3. New music for Jessica! I keep hearing about the Yeah Yeah Yeahs but have never actually *heard* them. Apparently my hair looks like the girl's? Or did? I love your blog.

  4. @Red Oh it was fantastic show :)

    @artfulkisser : Ha! I love the idea of a 4yo rocking out to the YYY's! superb :)

    @Jessica, I am in shock! I hope you have listened now?

  5. Karen O is everything That girl in Duchess Says wishes she was and could never be. The YYY's and Karen are fantastic, sometimes a bit too garage for my liking but at their best are up to the level of my 80's/90s post-punk heroes such as early Bunnymen/Joy Division/Chameleons UK and Radiohead or even modern Future-Folk artists on Fence Records. And Karen O's showmanship,voice and sheer passionate compassion-she literally gives her heart away to the audience-would put Freddie Mercury to shame.
    I may be a bitter and cynical old fool, having seen so many heroes fall, but despite this I am a convert to the cause of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, It's even possible they could ascend to even greater heights.

  6. @ Trevor

    Maybe you should have written my review, you do much better job than I :)

    I really hope they keep on producing fantastic music.
