13 Apr 2009

What a ham

By reading this blog you will never be boar-ed again...
Home from house sitting, what bliss! Well apart from all the tidying and cleaning I had to do. The mumborg has been doing well, its just the equipment letting her down. The auto-closure vacuum thingy, mentioned in blood and gunk post, has been playing up and now her picc line has failed. So today she has to go to the A/E department to get a replacement, hopefully its a simple job, but with the mumborg you never know.


  1. Happy Easter Claire. Keep on blogging - I love today's hammy pics. You have a gift for making my smile if not laugh out loud! Hx

  2. Happy Easter weekend Claire. :)

  3. Nice to see you hamming it up over here! Hope all goes well with the Mumborg though like you said ... with her you can never tell!

  4. In your spare time (bwaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaa) you can come clean and tidy my house. ;)

  5. Love the ham! I'm glad I decided to poke around, I wasn't sure what to make of the blood and gunk collecting machine. I'm sorry to hear your mumborg needs medical treatment, best wishes to her and your entire family.

  6. Your poor mum......I hope the med-heads get it all together and the equipment all works!!!
    Love your hammy....

  7. Wonderful foof in the picture

    I hope your mother having a successful surgery
