16 Feb 2009

Sprung a leak

The mumborg has decided to lose more blood, by spurting forth copious amounts from the operation wound. So she needs a few more top ups to get back to the acceptable Hb limits. During all this malarkey a clot has formed, that will now have to be scanned using ultrasound to see if it needs to be drained. Other than that the mumborg is doing well and still manages to give me long to do lists.......


  1. just imagine! loads of leaking thru operation wounds. gee!

    but at least you have plenty of energy to attack the to do lists. :)

  2. Oh no ! Poor mum !

    I am glad she's doing well now.

    Hope she's patched up and back in operating condition again !

  3. Gads what that woman has to go thru... Hugs to you!!!!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear that, though I'm glad she's doing better, now.
    Best wishes to you all :)

  5. sending get better vibes to mumborg.

  6. Claire--I'm sorry to hear about mumborg (love that term!). I send healing energy and best wishes across the Atlantic for a speedy recovery.


  7. Good grief. Your poor mother. Perhaps instead of putting in stitches and staples and what-not, the hospital should start giving her Zip-loc seals (you know, the yellow and blue make green type) and that way when she has to go back in for future operations and such, they can just "zip" her open and then "zip" her closed again!

    Seriously, though, I wish her the best in recovering from this latest setback and good luck to you with your lists! When you get tired of playing Nurse Jane and Cinderella rolled into one, you know where you can come to stay for a visit!

  8. She must be ok if she's still issuing lists ;-)

    Take it easy & keep out of the way of any leaks ;=p

  9. Poor Mumborg :(

    All the best to you, her, and the entire family.

  10. I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope that they get to the problem soon. Making lists is a good sign. ;)

  11. Lordy....that little doodle really helps, er, visualize things...

    Hope all goes well!
