10 Jan 2009

A year in review: February 2008

What follows January? Ah yes February. Tis the shortest month of the year, but I still managed to stuff a load of crap into it.

Does eveyone know that I am training to be a counsellor/therapist? Okay, just checking.
It was in February last year that college work really started getting intense, or least it was for me. I must admit that I was (and am), a bit slow on the uptake when it comes to college work. Not in the sense that it baffles or befuddles me, more that I think a subject to death. That month I was stuck on explaining the issues of confidentiality and its role in counselling. In fact, although its a lot clearer in my mind, I still haven't finished the follow up post to my satisfaction. What I can say is that the comments on these two posts are excellent and food for thought indeed. I will get around to writing about counselling and confidentiality again, as its a very interesting subject.
So read about Confidentiality and the Working on it posts.

Willy Time
I shall blame cough medicine and painkillers for the first photos and peer pressure for the hiking ones. When your out hiking nothing is quite as amusing as your hiking buds suggesting that you get your Willy out, or wouldn't that be a good Willy photo. Well me falling over repeatedly when out hiking, is pretty funny, but its no Willy.

Proof that I do get off my arse at some point in time and don't live in a twitter cave. 
Hiking kicked off to a good start last year with two fantastic hikes in this month. Both of the posts have photographs and a wee bit of video. The weather was cracking on both days, which was definitely a good start to the year. Unfortunately it all went down hill from there....
Plus bonus post Favourite Photo.

My nephews had been in Hamburg for a couple of months at this time and I was missing them like mad. So luckily they popped over for a visit. I couldn't resist photographing them whilst they slept, which coincides with the only time they are quiet. Connor my youngest nephew is very cute, but doesn't actually talk any sense, which is seen in the video clip.
Gaze at While they sleep and get befuddled watching Message from Connor.

Phew another month done and dusted, hopefully March will be done soon (before this March Hopefully). Thank god I blog, I wouldn't remember a bloody thing if I didn't!


  1. I disagree - Those first pictures of Willy were totally worth the effort...that's how I noticed him! Rrrrrr-arrrrrr!

  2. Wait.... YOU are gonna be a counselor?
    I thought all this school stuff was just a front for your actual job as a spy.
    Of course, now you'll have to kill me for revealing your --- uck... can't brea---

  3. Thanks for the re-cap. Loved the photos, especially Favourite Photo. Stumbled.

  4. OOoooo Claire you have a great bloghome!
    Nice one!

    *makes herself at home*

  5. Ummm...did you have to leave that as your last twitter? Now everyone thinks I walk around in a bra and no knickers!


  6. I LOVE all of your "counsellor/therapist" posts. I have learned a GREAT deal from you.
