17 Aug 2008

A spot of gardening

Today I heaved some compost around for the mum while she potted up some of the new plants we got yesterday, also re potted some of the old ones. I got to mess around with drill again whilst drilling holes in the new pots for the sweet pea, which I will photograph once they have grown up the willow trellis that we also purchased. I  took the opportunity to take some photographs once my slave like duties were over.


  1. My, my - those are just gorgeous! The flowers on my front porch are starting to fade out and I've been considering planting some mums but that's about as far as I've gotten with the project - considering! Perhaps I should put you to work when you're here?!?

  2. Wow! beautiful. You cold have used that for photohunt this week, lol. Altho I liked your entry.

    I'm so impressed with your gardening skills, and your photog skills!

  3. LOved the pictures of your flowers -very colorful, for sure, but so pretty.

  4. Loverly!!! I can almost smell the dianthus from here! :)

  5. I love the colage, beautiful colours! I never know the names of plants either. Seriously, I plant them in the ground lose the tags, and often refer to them by made up names ;) I dont think it really matters, however It often leaves me desperatly trying to come up with interesting ways to avoid the names in my posts! LOL! Thanks for stopping by!

    Happy GTS!
    ps. I really like your header.

  6. You're a combination farmer/photographer/artist. Very nice photos.

  7. slave duties LOL
    you know you loved it!
    Beautiful little sweet Williams!

  8. I love that one in the center of the collage. What IS that?
    - Mojo (the botanically challenged)

  9. Very pretty! We have a few of those in our garden too.

  10. these are FANTASTIC

  11. Very pretty group of pics...your garden must be lovely!!!! My hubby and I were @ Matunuck yesterday, and I think I may have spotted the house...wherever you wind up there...YOU WIN...another gorgeous day...

    all the best..

  12. That is a stunning collage. Well done!

  13. Claire, thanks so much for stopping by earlier. It's always a pleasure.

    I stumbled across an old post of your (Me, me, me and me again) and offered up a bit of explanation of the phenomenon. But since I don't know if you get comments from that far back, I thought it'd be best if I left you one somewhere current to point you to it.

    If your travels to the Colonies should bring you near the Mid-Atlantic region, look me up. And if not, well, I'll be looking forward to many more exchanges here in blogospace.

  14. Great to see you've caught the gardening bug and the collage is beautiful. All okish with me...not blogging tho. Passed all the college course and off to Uni in September ...trying to find a part time job to fit in with it so I can afford to pay my rent. Love & Hugs & thanks for remembering me
    Ruth xxxx (me, my life, my garden)

  15. Oooh, looks like you got some Sweet Williams....lovely scent! Hope all the compost heaving diddn't leave you with a bad back!

  16. Gorgeous!

    Hi Clarie! How the hell are you?

  17. We call those sweet williams. Is that what you call them in the UK? They are one of my favourites cause my Grandfather was William.

  18. This is the first time over to your blog. I love it. Where I live we have 100 degree weather right now. I have missed being out in my a garden.

    Thank you for sharing.

  19. Wow, Claire, what a riot of color!


  20. Beautiful! All of my hard work is starting to fade and go to seed. It doesn't help that it was over 100 degrees last week.
