25 Jul 2008

Fembots are not a threat!

For some reason Dr Evil and Fat Bastard agreed to a phone interview.
Here is how it went.
(it gets rather disturbing so be warned!)

What on earth is going to happen next!
(No really, what is going to happen next?)


  1. DEAR GAWD!!! This is worse than I ever imagined! First Olga disappears...and now Claire has lost her mind! Oh well...NOW WHAT?!?!?

    (*pretty frickin funny my dear!)

  2. Hopefully, they're just dipping Olga into a nice and gentle Woolite bath. Hopefully. Right?

  3. OMG! Olga has been kidnapped and unlawfully confined by two of those most ugly men, to use the word loosely, that I have ever laid eyes on and now Claire has going crazy. wtf is next?

  4. Olga will develop some backbone and fling herself out the window and onto a passing taxi. Holding onto the antenna for dear life she is rescued by a kindly bum who donates her to the Salvation Army. Will she ever get back to Claire? Of course. Ever since the bra napping Claire has been scouring thrift shops and backseats of cars frantically hoping Olga is not laced with cooties. Stay tuned!

  5. So, um, Claire? Do your counseling teachers know about THIS part of your site?

    Hm? :)

    Just wonderin'.

  6. This is hysterical!

  7. So ... what I got from all of this is that Claire can converse telepathically with her dolls? Hey! I do that too! LOL

    But seriously, this is serious. What can we do? Poor Olga ... who's obviously lost. Poor Clair ... who's obviously lost it. And by "it" I don't mean Olga.

  8. Bloody hell (oops sorry for swearing) ..... this is more barking than the best barking example on earth....

    mmm your speech bubbles are rather poshed up (*snigger*)

    Love the line 'there is nothing worse than an aging hipster' then nekkid DP pops up.... pure brilliance lol)

  9. Now Carol sounds like she's got some experience with traveling lingerie! But I know for a fact that Olga would rather DIE than end up in the Salvation Army!!!

    But THANKS for your support everyone! Please pray for Olga! (Ummm, and Claire too...)
    ~Olga's Blog-Mistress

  10. lol @ 70s ... yes I forgot about the nekkid hipster comment & then his photo! HAHAHA!

    Claire you've missed your calling as a commedienne

  11. Umm Claire? WE have enough psychos here in America. Perhaps you should NOT come to visit?? you are starting to scare me....

  12. Fat Bastard gave a clue....

    Hhe hasn't seen his Willy for a while,so its legally dead.... maybe if you offer evil Willy in exchange for Olga, they'll let her go

  13. Claire that was awesome but the next one we need your voice instead of typed text....

  14. Even I'm becoming affeared of the whole situation. I'm very impressed that Claire can lay her hands on a pair of hand-cuffs though .... mmmmmmmmmm.

    "I'm hot hot hot!" tra-la

  15. It's like A Clockwork Orange, it just keeps getting weirder as it goes on...

    The last few days I've noticed something else weird, I have to reload the page after I get here, I get some weird message box: Cannot open Internet Site/Operation Aborted. Maybe there's something wonky with your code? I don't know if anyone else is getting it too... Happy to help...

  16. hand cuffs??? DP? mmm has had the training though? as in I have the cuffs and I know 'how' tyo use 'em 'Gov'??

  17. And, you've been missing some really good posts this week... I haven't seen you on my blog since doodle week! Sorry for the blog pimping here but we haven't seen you over there in awhile.

  18. That was very entertaining, and technically clever, he says grudgingly. He knows how she hates compliments.

  19. I don't read your blog for a couple days and come back to find this?? Now I'm totally lost but intrigued hehe. :D

  20. It's a shame that isn't a blue police box. Seeing Mr. Tennant rescue Olga with Willie at his side might be interesting.

  21. Drat...I thought I was going to get to hear your voice! Very funny stuff, though. :)

  22. this was only the best video ever. only second to a dancing speedy high on red bull and chicken.

  23. this is all very scary...I am just thinking of Olga...will she ever get over it?
