14 Jan 2008

Study study study

While I have been ill with this sinus crap, I have been rather lapse with my studies. So now that it has cleared up a wee bit, it times to crack on.


  1. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Glad you're feeling better. I had a similiar illness a few weeks ago. Sorry, time to hit the books again.

  2. So, do I need to get out the whip and start cracking it to get you motivated?! Heh heh heh

    I'm glad to hear you're a "wee bit" better.

  3. You are such a potty mouth! :-)

  4. Yah - can't let the studies slide, kid - those professors expect the work to be done no matter how sick you are.

  5. Oh, you make me glad I'm out of school...! :-)

  6. Sorry to hear you have been sick with sinus problems Claire. My husband deals with that all that time too. Ick! Good to see you have an Entrecard! I'll be dropping back by!

  7. Get cracking young lady. Hope you're feeling a LOT better soon. The whole world seems to have had sinus problems over the last couple of months including me and it's fecking HORRIBLE!

  8. Get thee a "Neti Pot." I've had mine for three days and it is SO soothing! I still have a sinus infection but I am not using antibiotics unless abolutely necessary. It gives you a lot of relief!

  9. Glad you are feeling better - now you can pop on over & see what I tagged ya with! Dont worry - it's fun and EASY! (Just like ME!)
