6 Jan 2008

Sinus juice boy

sinus juice boy

I am allergic to my own home, that is the conclusion I have come to. Within hours of being home, the ears started to ache, cheeks flushed and a torrent of sinus juice began to flow out my nostrils! The cheeks on my face by the way, not my arse, just in case you were wondering.
Hopefully the cold and flu tablets will stop the flow long enough for me to download my pipes a playing video and write a half decent post on my 30,000 visitor.


  1. I don't suspect it's a good thing to be allergic to one's own home, is it? Good luck with the tablets stemming the flow and if not, take it easy, we'll still be around here somewhere!

  2. Oh no, I hope you feel better soon. Could it be mold or dust in the ducts? Good luck, I suffer from allergies too, not fun.

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  3. At least you're able to take, I usually just have to suffer through whatever ailments I have.

  4. I've often made the comment to my husband that we are allergic to the new state we live in, so I can relate to this post! I hope you feel much better very soon, and congratulations on your 30,000th visitor!

  5. Maybe you're allergic to England. Perhaps you need to go back to the Scottish Highlands?

  6. Hope you're feeling better soon. Missed poppin' in here & wish you a productive New year that brings you closer to your goals x x x

  7. Ooh not fun! What a way to start off the new year, drowning in phlem and snot. BLECH.

    I'd definitely check for mold. You can't be too careful. :o

  8. Ugh that sounds awful! I hope you are feeling better soon.

  9. Ew, being allergic to your own home sucks. And drips, apparently...
