25 Nov 2007

Day 25 of NaBloPoMo

Today I feel tired, as illustrated by the wonderful cartoon, yes my hair is that messy at the moment. In order to get anything done I have had to drink a gallon of tea as we have run out of coffee!
I have made it to Day 25 of the NaBloPoMo challenge, although it has been harder than I first thought it would be. Everything just seems to happening this month from college to cupboard monster to family bogging off to Hamburg.
Speaking of Hamburg, Jemma and the kids are only here for a few more days, the flights are booked for Wednesday night. So in less than a week my nephews will become Hamburgers, or half hamburger or something like that.
Tomorrow my hair should look better as I am getting it done, just a wee trim and exploring another version of red.

Update: In answer to Kai, yes I know cartoon me is topless. I kind of like it like that.