5 Oct 2007

Plans for the weekend?

Well today i am babysitting the nephews and then will hopefully get some homework done later on tonight, i have tons of reading to catch up on! I also need to type up a lot of my notes and publish more counselling stuff.
Saturday i plan to go the library and pay late fines (again) and more homework, before going to see the cupboard monster in hospital. Then its an early night for me, well early is before 2am.
Sunday i am off hiking again, not sure where i am going yet, i just get picked up and go wherever. Then when i get back i will be knackered, but will have blogging to do.

Anybody up to anything exciting?


  1. This is the month of the year that takes a turn toward the incredibly boring. It kicks into high gear toward the end of the month with grandson's birthday, Halloween, Christmas shopping, Thanksgiving, road trips to relatives ... just thinking about it all will send me back to bed for the next 20 days.

  2. Homework, homework, homework...I sure don't miss it! But just think how wonderful it'll be when you are done, and how many people you can help. ;)

    My weekend? Oh, it'll be spent with 2 of the coolest bloggers I know!

  3. Nothing overly exciting here.

    Hope your mother continues to improve so the docs can do what they must.

  4. Have a good hike, I'm back at the castle this weekend :-)

  5. Well let's see - my ex-husband is coming east for a five day visit with the kids and grandkids and I get to cook for all of them. Doesn't that just sound oh so special?
