12 Oct 2007

Its my Birthday

No matter what your age you always look upon the last five years with regret and to the next five with apprehension.

Today is my Birthday(Friday)! I am 19 today plus a few years maybe one or possibly two?
Feel free to sing me happy songs and send me gifts, remember there is bloody postal strikes going on so send them using a reputable delivery company.
I have a 9am Meeting with the Student Council, they obviously weren't informed that it was my birthday so have selfishly not cancelled! I am representing the part time counselling diploma course, so no doubt will have to listen to all the kids asking for a common room with a telly and other crap. While I on the other hand will just smile and nod.
Then i plan to go up to my sisters house and chill out before heading out for some food at a local pub or restaurant, not decided were to go yet.
Saturday is Wine Festival Time! My lovely chum Karen has ventured from the safety of 'down south' to see me and other friends that live 'up north'. So as a way of seeing everyone at once, we are heading to a wine festival in Manchester, drinking will commence at noon and finish when we have had a enough. Now i am not a big wine fan so this will be an interesting experience for me and could end badly (me vomiting).

So if you don't hear from me for awhile it was the wine! Or i am with the bloke with the balloon:)

PS. I am also house sitting from today so will only be about during the day for Internet use.


  1. Have a glass of wine then take care of the bloke with the balloon. You have to get your priorities straight.

    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear Claire
    Happy Birthday to you

  2. Forget the wine - go for the balloon-toting bloke!!!

    Happy, happy birthday!!!

  3. Happy Birthday!

    A bloggin' birthday shout out is posted for you @ It's A Blog Eat Blog World!


  4. H A P P Y
    B I R T H D A Y
    C L A I R E
    ! ! ! ! ! !

    :* :* :* :* :*

  5. Hurra for deg som fyller ditt år!
    Ja, deg vil vi gratulere!
    Alle i ring omkring deg vi står
    og se, nå vil vi marsjere,
    bukke, nikke, neie, snu oss omkring,
    danse for deg med hopp og sprett og spring.
    Ønske deg av hjertet alle gode ting!
    Og si meg så hva vil du mere - Gratulerer!

    Just sung a Norwegian birthday song for you. Congrats Claire !! =)

  6. How did you get my photo for this post?????????? Happy birthday.

  7. Happy birthday..kindest wishes

  8. Happy birthday!

    The big one-nine. One more year of being a teenager (numerically, at least).


    Happy Birthday (alternative lyrics, to the tune of "Yankee Doodle").

    Happy Birthday, me to you,
    A very happy birth-day,
    Have some fun,
    Or chew some gum,
    Or sing, "I Did It My Way."

  9. Wish you a very Happy Birthday Claire :)

    May your special day bring along loads of happiness,good luck & cheer to last for a lifetime.

    It's always a pleasure to come across another awesome libran ;)


  10. Do we get to play pin the tail on the balloon?

    Here is a little island getaway for your birthday Claire's Tropical Isle

    To the Tune of the Merry Widow Waltz:

    Happy birthday, happy birthday
    just for you
    happy birthday, happy birthday
    May all your dreams come true
    When you blow out the candles
    May one light stay aglow
    That's the sunshine of your smile
    Where e'er you go.

  11. I would have recorded a version of happy birthday for you but my audio gear is everywhere at the moment...

    happy birthday

  12. Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday Dear Claire!
    Happy Birthday to you!

  13. Happy Birthday my sweet friend. I hope you have a lovely time popping that balloon that bloke is holding!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Happy Birthday Claire. Don't worry about the're supposed to spit it out not swallow. Now where have I heard that before :o)
    Have a great day....will they give you the bumps?

  16. Happy Birthday ... I can't sing too well, so I'll let the Arrogant Worms do that for me ~

    HART aka PetLvr

  17. oops/ I'll make that clickable for ya.. (you don't want to work tooo hard on your birthday)

    The Happy Birthday Song - By Arrogant Worms

    (hopefully that will work)

  18. 19 plus ELEVEN is probably more like it!!!

    Happy Birthday Claire - and take it from someone who knows.... go VERY easy on the wine - it'll catch up with you all of a sudden!! :-)

    (and then it's game over)

  19. Happy birthday matey :-)

    30 next year is it? :-D

  20. Happy Birthday Claire! Enjoy your day and your wine!


    <3 Lots and lots of love coming your way today meany!!

    ;) (Have lots of wine and laugh til your tummy hurts!)

  22. Happy Happy Birthday!!

    I hope you have a fantastic day :) Amazing choice of picture, btw... it definitely brought a smile to my face.

    Have a great one.

  23. I vote with Linda - nice, very nice eye-candy there -even for a blind old fart like me! Ah, but I always did appreciate a nice form ya know.

    Hope you have a great time today - and that all goes well tomorrow for your Mum too.

    Best wishes always, Kid!

  24. wow, this photo is very cool. happy ww

  25. Happy Belated Birthday. I hope it was nice.

  26. A belated Birthday wish from Us x x x
