This is one contest i couldn't ignore! Its is created by 'she wants to pimp my granny' aka This Eclectic Life. She really does want to pimp my granny, anything for an Afghan square.
Dear Abby,
I was recently approached by a very unscrupulous lady who wants me to pimp out my granny in order to get some afghan squares. It is for charity, but granny is old and wont make much even without her teeth, so what do you think i should do?
Confused Claire
Here is the reply i got:
Dear C. C.,
What maniac would ask you to pimp your grandmother? You should report that woman to the authorities. Have big, burly, manly Bobbies come and handcuff her. Of course, a pervert like that might like being handcuffed. Short of having that wench arrested, you could save your grandmother from an awful fate. YOU could learn to crochet squares to ransom her, OR you could offer your own self instead.
Dear Abby
Click Read more for how to enter this contest yourself! DO THIS CONTEST!
Here’s all you have to do to enter the Dear Abby Writing Contest:
1. Write a funny Dear Abby letter that is 50 words or less (not counting the “Dear Abby” salutation and the “signature”)
2. It can be about any subject you choose, if you will please remember that this is a family friendly blog! It can be “from” anyone. You can choose a fictitious character (such as Just Married), or a celebrity (are they “real?”). Avoid profanity please, you are all much too intelligent to have to rely upon expletives. I reserve the right to delete your comment or refuse to enter you if you get raunchier than John Prine!
3. Non-bloggers: skip to the bottom of this post, hit the comment button, and write your letter there. If you are having trouble doing that, send your Dear Abby letter to me in an e-mail at shelly(dot)tucker(at)gmail(dot)com Then, I will post it in a comment for you.
4. Bloggers, you can enter with a comment, if you would like. I know that everyone would be able to read it more quickly then, but I would prefer that you post it on your own site, too. If you link back to this page to tell people about the contest, I’ll be happy to give you an extra link on this page.
5. You have until Saturday, September 15th at 11:59 p.m. Texas Time to write your ridiculous Dear Abby letter and post it.
6. On Sunday, September 16th, I will post my personal favorites right here on the blog, with a poll for voting. My readers will decide the winner. You will be able to vote daily, and you can send all your friend (s) to vote daily, too!
7. I will announce the winner on Saturday September 22nd at High Noon, Texas Time.
Shelly going to love this one Claire. You are so funny. Good luck. :)
ReplyDeleteDear C. C.,
ReplyDeleteWhat maniac would ask you to pimp your grandmother? You should report that woman to the authorities. Have big, burly, manly Bobbies come and handcuff her. Of course, a pervert like that might like being handcuffed. Short of having that wench arrested, you could save your grandmother from an awful fate. YOU could learn to crochet squares to ransom her, OR you could offer your own self instead.
Dear Abby
This rather looks like fun, I may have to give it a go!
ReplyDeleteLike Linda just said.
ReplyDeleteThis is fun. I got mine in early and she won't let me write a bunch more. I may have to complain to Dear Abby.