30 Aug 2007

Tidying my room

I seem to have emptied the entire contents of every wardrobe and drawer in order to find everything for my two recent trips. Unfortunately it is down to me to tidy it all up again! It is really crap!
If i had an Orlando rental home then i would have two of everything and not feel the need to destroy my room.
So instead of being able to blog guilt free, i am unable to close my eyes to it any longer! I really have tried to ignore but i am struggling to get into bed at night because of all of the stuff.


  1. You crack me up you secret ad-girl you. "If I had an Orlando rental home" Ha!

  2. Secret Ad girl! how very dare you!
    If i could afford an Orlando rental home i really would have two of everything :)


  3. Hmmmm..should I put you forward as a contestant in "How Clean Is You House" ?

  4. I need one of those Orlando rental homes too! My room looks like the way you described yours all the time though! Just don't have any places to hang or store my stuff these days, it seems.
