10 Jun 2007

Orange is still shit!

Yep Internet is still down, nearly two weeks now and my dad still hasn't cancelled it and set up a new account with someone else.
Finished recording last practice counselling before, just got to write them up and finish five A4 portfolios and revise!

If I am not dead by Tuesday, I will try and blog! Vodka maybe needed.


  1. Holy I would be going through withdrawals by now!!

    At least you're getting all your counseling stuff done though hey?

    Tell your Dad to hurry up already! The internet is quiet without you! :-)

  2. Great to see a post! really missing you. Will be thinking of you many bottles of vodka should we need to celebrate!...and what does your Dad drink....sounds like we'll have to bribe him into getting his finger out!

  3. Erm I doubt i will sleep between now and Tuesday thats how much work i have to do! No idea when my dad will get his finger out.

    About 3 litres should do for me,
    I HATE NOT HAVING INTERNET! got to go now :(

  4. hey claire, some brit told me in a comment that a muffin is a bad word there. i don't know what it is. wanna' fill me in?

    smiles, bee

  5. Claire, oh I remember finals. Lots of work, but you will be done shortly. I think the vodka is the best thing you can do when you are done! Well, that's what I would do. :)

  6. You crack me up! Never you mind my Paris Hilton posts! (haha - anonymous my ass!) :P

  7. Oh Claire, I've missed you so! Glad to see you're somewhat back online.

  8. Oh I would be absoluely nutty by now. Hang in there!

  9. no vodka... but plenty of Merlot in me right now......

    was honestly getting concerned.. Stop doing that do us.. Damn...

  10. Dad's are clever - my guess is he's not done anything about changing from Orange so you'll get your work done and not be blogging!!
    Good luck with the exam, I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday. I'll have a drink for you too (or two). x

  11. Hang in there, our little English friend! You're going to sail through with flying colors!!! And then all the vodka you need...

  12. :-(

    Come back soon!

  13. You'll do fine Claire, have Vodka after not before ;-)

    See you soon!

  14. Good to "see" you... Hope everything goes well today. 3 liters of Vodka it is - can I fax them to you?
    Fingers crossed and all that.

  15. Aww man, I thought I was gonna die Saturday cuz I couldn't get online...can't imagine what you are going through now.

  16. Hmmmm . . . .it's now Tuesday & no Claire. This could mean:

    a) Vodka got the better of her
    b) She's been arrested for half killing the man at Orange/or worse still her Dad!!!
    c) She's teasing us

    Never mind withdrawals I now have hives, a twirch, depression & need a counsellor so hurry back Claire x x

  17. Hi Claire, I am sorry your dad is being stubborn. Guess he likes paying for no service. Interesting. We miss you and hope you'll be back with us soon. Hope Orange get's it's crap together.
