That makes me a bit

Click on image and go and say Happy Birthday (not actually Chris, but as he wont publish a photo) he is not 36 he is 34!

A bit of birthday music
This blog is now how many years old? (answer at the end of the post). I have seriously forgotten how long it has been since I even logge...
Great song and video too.
ReplyDeleteYes, I thought it was Chris' birthday today -- but when I tried to find the reference at Thermal, I could not. Do you suppose he deleted it?
ReplyDeleteHey John it is indeed!
ReplyDeleteHey Curmy, Steph, mentioned it on the battleship post.
Great vid...on my way to greet the birthday boy.
ReplyDeleteDon't know Chris but what the heck I wished him happy birthday anyway.
ReplyDeleteHey Ruth, glad you liked and thanks for hopping over to Chris.
ReplyDeleteHey Akelamalu thanks for that!
I've never really been into the Peppers, but every once in awhile I hear a tune I like. This was one. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteStopped over at Chris' and said a Happy Birthday. You are such a nice person...
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Beaver girl, you've been single handedly responsible for increasing my traffic over the last 2 weeks and you've done it again :-)
ReplyDeleteNo, not a split personality, just the sign of an ordered mind [cough].
Great choice of vid Claire, and thanks to everyone who came over - bloggers are cool :-)
Thats cool Chris, it twas a pleasure!
ReplyDeleteCough cough indeed!
Bloggers are indeed cool!