5 Feb 2007

Manic Monday: Number 2 is Difting

I had to pick this one as the title is Huge logs have drifted ashore from far off places
Click image to go to original source! (
Hint! then you will know more about them)

Just a quick note, please only put your link in Mr Linky if you are playing along and doing your own Manic Monday! all folks welcome to play along!


  1. D'oh! That's the second time I've done that...I fudged up putting my name in Mr Linky! Sorry.
    That's a very cool pic.

    Thanks for stopping by. I love Manic Monday's with Mo!!!

  2. very cool take on the theme claire!

    smiles, bee

  3. Nice pic, huge logs!

  4. What is that, a treetrunk or an old sewerpipe or something?

    I'm at if you want to drop by. Very different kind of blog to yours ...

    Take it EZ, all the best now


  5. Those are some big logs! Wonder where they came from???

  6. Great picture! I bet our son Luis would crawl into one of the logs immediately =)

  7. puts new meaning in "driftwood". Love it!

  8. Naughty Crazy Working Mom!
    I love Manic Too!

    No funny comment E'bee? i am disappointed!

    Cheers Ruth, it took me awhile to find!

    Thanks chumly and r2k.

    Hey chris you have got to love a great big log on the beach!

    Hey Gledwood, click on the picture to find out all about them. Have you come over from Ruth's site?

    Hey skittles if you really want to know then click on the picture, if your being amusing then somebody must of been quite backed up!!

    Cheers Lexa.

    Thanks John you have put the link in wrong, just like crazy working mom!! So will have to get to yours through bloglog!

    Hey Sanni, i bet he would love it, you not so much when you had to get him out!

    Cheers Lisa, i dont think you could use it to decorate your garden!

  9. congrats on the award...

    and great picture!

  10. Great picture -- I love driftwood and this is a great entry for "drifting"!
    But we have NOTHING like this drifting up on the beaches of Lake Michigan!
    Thanks for participating & supporting Manic Monday!
    ~ Manic Mo

  11. Thank you Katherine.

    Cheers Mo! i think this week theme produced very different takes on theme!From thought provoking, sentimental, funny and nostalgic to bedding!
    So yet again a great choice on your part!!!
